News & Exhibitions

Animal Spirit: Ethnographic Sculpture & Masks

Animal Spirit: Ethnographic Sculpture & Masks

Apr 13 - 11 May 2024: 'Animal Spirit'. The rich tradition of ethnographic art is deeply rooted in the history of animism and the worship of nature, serving as a means to communicate with the spiritual realm. These hand-crafted artifacts often depict revered animals, whilst carrying symbolic meaning, such as protection, wisdom and courage.....view exhibition


Current Exhibition

Animal Spirit: Ethnographic Sculpture & Masks

Animal Spirit: Ethnographic Sculpture & Masks

Apr 13 - 11 May 2024: 'Animal Spirit'. The rich tradition of ethnographic art is deeply rooted in the history of animism and the worship of nature, serving as a means to communicate with the spiritual realm. These hand-crafted artifacts often depict revered animals, whilst carrying symbolic meaning, such as protection, wisdom and courage.....view exhibition